Fausto Puglisi
Fausto Puglisi came into Dolce and Gabbana Spiga 2 to talk about his past experiences starting up as a fresh designer. He is an Italian based designer which Modonna, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears have worn his line.Dolce and Gabbana Spiga で Young Designer's イベントがあり、デザイナーのFausto Puglisi がブランドを立ち上げる事についてインタビュー形式で語ってくれました。メード・イン・イタリアにこだわりMadonna, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears と数々のセレブも彼のブランドを愛用
Few memorable things I have learnt from him:
- Touching fabric sometimes can be orgasmic, you got to 'fuck' them
- Always do what you believe in, philosophy is important.
- Don't let teachers or the media tell you what you cannot do, they are just opinions. 'You have to wear your own skin'
- What competition? Don't see others as competition. Just do your own thing
- As long as you keep on doing what you are doing, powerful people eventually believe in you and support you
Thank you Natasha Slater and others for organizing this event.
There are many more to come so keep your eyes out for the next Young Designer's Night at Spiga 2.
インタビューしてくれたNatasha Slaterと他のスタッフに感謝。
Spiga 2 では他のデザイナーにもYoung Designer Nightイベントに参加してくれるので Keep your eyes out!!
Beautiful beaded embroidery on a skirt. Imaging how it prances when you walk in it. スカートのビーズのディテール。これを着て歩いたときどう踊るか想像してみて。 |
One word: GLAM |
And ofcourse I went to the tea party later on in the week.
そしてもちろんまた違う日にTea Partyに訪れました。
And it is the time of the year to put up the tree!
I can't wait till I see it totally finished!!